The Magic of Spinning & Plying Yarn with a Turkish Spindle


Discover the art of creating handspun yarn using a Turkish spindle. Learn the basics of fiber preparation, drafting techniques, spinning singles, as well as the process of plying to create a balanced yarn. The unique design of the Turkish spindle allows for easy storage and center-pull balls so you can use your handspun yarn immediately after you spin it!

During this session, students will learn:

  • The anatomy and mechanics of a Turkish spindle
  • How this spindle is different than drop spindles
  • Practice spinning singles with fiber of their choosing
  • Learn ply singles on the Turkish spindle

Turkish spindles are a type of drop spindle but have unique characteristics that set them apart because of their cross-armed design, which makes them unique, and different than standard drop spindles. As you spin the yarn and wind it on the cross-arms, you simultaneously create a center-pull ball in the process that becomes a beautiful work of art!

The design of Turkish spindles allows you to wind your yarn around the cross-arms as you spin. Once you finish spinning, you can remove the arms, leaving a neat, ready-to-use center-pull ball of yarn. This eliminates the need to rewind the yarn later, making this form of drop spindle very efficient.

  1. Compact and Portable:
    Turkish spindles are highly portable because they can be taken apart into three separate pieces (the two cross-arms and the shaft). This makes them easy to carry and store.
  2. Balance and Spin:
    Turkish spindles are often well-balanced due to the positioning of the cross-arms. This makes them suitable for beginners as well as advanced spinners.
  3. Versatility in Yarn Thickness:
    The way you wind the yarn on the Turkish spindle allows for flexibility in spinning yarns of various thicknesses, from fine to bulky.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal:
    Many Turkish spindles are handcrafted from beautiful woods and have intricate designs, making them a favorite among collectors and enthusiasts.

Overall, Turkish spindles are not only functional but also offer a unique spinning experience, blending practicality with artistry.

Students should bring:
A Turkish Spindle and 3–4 ounces roving ready to spin.

Materials Fee: None
Class Time: Saturday, March 8, 9am-12pm

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